
Task 1a- Initial Research Part 1

What is meant by evolution?
It is a Transformation whether its from an object or a living thing.

-Evolution is also a process.

For example-  From a caterpillar into a butterfly

A sperm cell into a baby

Other Examples of Evolution:

Why did I look at these?
I have looked at these as the prime example of evolution. Because when I think of 'Evolution' I think of the evolution of man.

Task 1b- Generating Ideas 

Evolution Mind Map

On Friday 14/4/2015, we had a discussion with our friday tutor about the history of evolution.

Evolution of Video Game Consoles

I chose to do a research on how video game consoles have changed. My first idea was to draw a brainstorm and try to remember the game consoles from past to present.

Half Term Task

My Half term task was to generate and plan two ideas for a final solution. Pay attention to the props, models, time and how I could execute them.

Single Camera Production

A single Camera Production is usually when just one camera is used throughout a film or TV Series

As it was mentioned before, Single Camera production is a technique used for producing your short, Tv series etc with just one camera so when you take shots, each shot you take has a purpose. It may not make it to the cut scene but it still had a purpose. The examples they used for comedies are: The Addams Family, Bewitched, Hogan's heroes and Scrubs.


Initial Research Part 2

The Positives and Constraints of Single Camera Techniques

The Positives
  • You can do a Low-budget production (Due to one camera).
  • It will give you more flexibility when filming, no worry of catching other cameras- Directors have much more control.
  • It is much more simple in terms of collecting all the shots when finishing with production.
  • Easier to carry/ set up.
  • You will have the ability to either use your own or even rent out a good quality camera- rather than using multiple.
The Constraints
  • Constant movement when filming different angles for the same sequence.
  • Difficulty recreating scenes.
  • Time consuming.
  • Possibility of camera being damaged- may lose all your footage only been filmed on one camera.
Single Camera Techniques

In Marvel's Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, the Single Camera Techniques they use were:
  • A Bird's eye view, 
  • A Close-up View,
  • And a Wide view.
The atmosphere or tone of the film was ''dark and serious'' showing the next action adventure story as a political drama.

Practicing Camera Techniques
My task was to practice in using the skills of Camera Techniques. I have filmed a few shots inside the college building and outside the college. It was a fun task as I kept learning.

Bird's eye view

Close-up View
Extreme Wide Shot

Low Angle View

Over the Shoulder Shot


High to Low Angle View

High to Low Angle View 
While I was outside the college I wanted to film a High to Low Angle View. It wasn't my best but I am determined to use it again in the future.

Over the Shoulder Shot
I chose to do an over the shoulder shot in order to learn the perspectives of using the camera.

Bird's eye view
I had used a bird's eye view to try out my first technique.

Depth of Field Experiment

On Friday 17/04/2015, We have been tasked to go further and try out with our camera experiments. We've set our cameras to an AV Mode and focused on the middle object (The Disney Bear). We took a few pictures and changed the settings. Aperture priority mode is measured in''f'' numbers. Smaller the number, bigger the hole. Bigger the number, smaller the hole. Larger the hole, shallow the depth. Smaller the hole, the more is in focus.

Task 3b- storyboard and analyse your ideas

 Storyboarding an animated Timeline for Video Game Consoles

For the Project, I chose to do an evolution on Video Game Consoles as an animated timeline. Showing each brief history of video games (Gaming Consoles).

Task 4a- create final solution

Creating a Timeline Animation.

After finishing the storyboards, I began to make the animation on Photoshop as an interactive (?) timeline. It will show the brief history of each gaming console. It was a difficult task as I couldn't put the animation together or visualise what it could be. One of the difficulties I've had on Photoshop was adding more stop motion frames to make sure the character moves smoothly. My plan for the animation was to have the character in action while we see each year of gaming. It was a complex idea, to show the audience what is happening in every scene while they look at the brief history of video gaming. As much as I enjoy the project, I hope my animation would please the audience and maybe interest them in buying older/classical video games if they enjoyed my animation.

Task 4c- Evaluation

When I started my final project, Evolution, my initial idea was to research on Video Game Consoles. It was an exciting idea for me, As I have the chance to look back at the history of video gaming, starting with the 1970s, the 80s, the 90s and then to the present day, with the latest video gaming from Playstation and Nintendo. I wanted to do an animation that will show the history of gaming (as a timeline) and tell the story of my character at the same time to it's target audience (kids, teens and adult Gaming fans). I chose not to add audio because I had spent much time on my animation and there was no time to think which type of background sound or music I should use. Before this, we did a group discussion on Friday with our morning Tutor, Pete, on what was the meaning of Evolution. We came up with many ideas and explained how much things have developed, from Politics and Women's rights to Education and Achitecture. I wrote down all of our ideas as our first brainstorm. In April, I had practised on the use of Single Camera techniques. I had filmed many different camera shots. Inside the college and outside the buildings. I then learned about the depth of field experiment with my friday Tutor, Pete, on how far you can use on your camera, in order to make a camera shot and how much focus you should make on the objects. For my half term task, I had to plan two ideas for the project, my first idea was to research and create a video about the evolution of Superman and how he had changed from Comics to live action films. My second idea, was to research the history of video gaming consoles and create a timeline animation, showing the history of video gaming.

Strengths and Weaknesses
My strength was telling the story and thinking visualy. My second strength was using Adobe Illustrator as I visually the designed the overlook of the character.

My Weakness was time management as I didn't complete the animation.

I would look at the animation and look carefully with my assignment brief.

Evolution final video

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